Some German blog buddy requested that I continue writing in this blog..., heck, it's enough pain in the butt to continue the blog I have in German! Not that I mind writing in English, I actually prefere it over writing in German, but that alone would be worth a whole new entry!
What happend since we last saw each other? Well, let me tell you:
Trips to the US for x-mas: 1, with my daughter to Utah and it was awesome! She bought a whole bunch of clothes from Old Navy for $ 80 and two pairs of chucks for $ 70 - those are still way cheaper over there than they are here in Germany, can you believe it? The old saying is still true: wanna buy cheap sneakers and jeans, fly to the US!
Almost marriage proposals: 1, but no comment on that one, let's just say he wasn't my kind a guy!
Job offer: 1, in a bilingual kindergarten group, possible start in August, wish me luck, am invited for an interview in April!
Dreams with my ex in it: too many! Heck, you'd think I have gotten over him by now! After all, we are divorced for over a year now and separated for over three years! Girl, get a grib, get a life and as fast as possible: GET OVER HIM!!!
Blogs to keep up with: 2, and I even opend a "my space" webpage, which turned out to be a very, very bad idea! Need to cancell that one by the way, remind me to do that this week!
Months still to be spend in school: 3 and one week! I hope to find a job soon afterwards, need to make money and lots of it! Have big plans to be independent pretty soon!
Sleeping pills to get my tired and ready for bed: thank goodie only 2! Tried more one night but that kept me awake all night instead! Bad idea!
Years I am on sleeping pills now: 2 1/2, too many if you ask me, but hey, it beats staying awake all night and seeing big spiders crawling up my walls!
Current boyfriends: are you kidding me? None of course! I wouldn't even know what to do with him, am way too busy with my life as it is!
Well, I think that's about it for today! I will try to be a better blogger and keep you posted more frequently...
Oh, and resolutions for this year: None! I totally forgot to come up with some..., which is good 'cause if you don't make some you can't break them, right?